Apocalypse of Chatravati

Chatravati’s face is lined with age but he is far older than he looks. He doesn’t know how long he was in the box, sealed away from time and space by a thick metal door that only opens from the outside. While inside the box he remained conscious but had not aged a day; at least not physically. Long ago, in desperation, Chatravati had locked himself inside. He couldn’t remember the reason.

His light in his eyes had long dwindled to that of a flickering candle.

The island has grown dark and overgrown. The mansion is crumbled to pieces, long abandoned. The amathepeel tree, once his pride, has been choked to death by creepers.

Chatravati looks out across the lake and tries to feel something–tries to feel anything–but the only thing he can feel is the wind against his beard. It is warmer than it should be and carries with it the scent of wildflowers.


Chatravati is very important to me. He once lead Westcrest–a group of people with extraordinary powers who lived on an invisible island in the middle of a lake.

Chatravati sees the strings of fate that bind actions together and he uses this ability to deduce problem-solving strategies that are (almost) always effective.

His abilities can also indicate when a situation is hopeless or unavoidable. In this case, he is well aware the multi-world-apocalypse is not something he can stop.


I don’t know who opened the door to let Chatravati out.

